Nov 2, 2021 | 0 comments

Loving Reaper – Stories of Black Cats and Good Boy

Nov 2, 2021 | Balloons - Comic's World, Illustration Arts, Jenny Jinya | 0 comments

Loving Reaper is a mini series created by Jenny Jinya that features a very special Reaper. He is in charge of collecting those souls who are alone and abandoned and specifically we talk about those who are our animal friends.

Loving Reaper: Black Cats e Good Boy – Synopsis 

The Loving Reaper Opuscolo di Jenny Jinya

The Loving Reaper Opuscolo di Jenny Jinya – Contiene le storie Black Cats e Good Boy
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He is the last friend for those who are cast out of life. For those who have no place in this world. And all too often this is true for animals, cats, dogs, who do not understand that “their” people do not love them as unconditionally as they love them.
But nothing in life is without hope. Where one life ends, space is created for another. And sometimes even one is saved.

In Anglo-Saxon countries, many animals end up in animal shelters, and many of them are euthanized. This practice has led the author Jenny Jinya to draw an internet comic. First “Good Boy”, the story of a small dog, then “Black Cats“. At the same time, Jenny’s comics also show that death is not our enemy. That sometimes he can even be a welcome friend.


Those who have ever not cried at least once reading Jenny’s comics around the internet are not worthy to be called human. And the sad reality is that these stories make you cry because they’re, in some ways, terribly true. In this small booklet here, the protagonists are a black kitten and a young dog.

Black Cats from Loving Reaper by Jenny Jinya

Black Cats from Loving Reaper by Jenny Jinya

The first because of its fur, considered as a sign of bad luck, is pushed into the street and run over by a car, while the second has as its only fault that it is no longer a toy interesting enough for its owner.

The kitten who was loved and cared by an old lady who left her food will turn to the woman her last thoughts and she too will worry once our Loving Reaper has welcomed her into his arms. And in the same way, the puppy once abandoned on the roadside will wait for his masters until his last breath.

A Kind Reaper

Good Boy from Loving Reaper by Jenny Jinya

Good Boy from Loving Reaper by Jenny Jinya

Death in these stories appears almost like a dear friend, a relief from the sufferings of life. Jenny Jinya’s Reaper allows these animals to visit their old masters and or find someone to love again once they cross the threshold. If the first story teaches us when the love of these creatures can be immense, how much they do for us in their small way, the first reminds us that we too can still give love when our friends are no longer there. Even here, in our country, millions of dogs, cats, and many other animals spend their lives in a shelter without ever knowing the love of a family. And many animals spend their last days wondering what was wrong with them that their masters had to get rid of them.

When we decide to adopt an animal, we should remember that that puppy, whatever species it belongs to, will depend on us for the rest of our lives. And that for better or worse, we’re the only beings he’ll ever want to be around. An animal is not a toy that can be put aside when we get tired of it or that can be thrown away because it’s too big, too old, too something else…

And maybe this should make us think and appreciate more who we have next, at least as long as we have him next to us…


Before concluding, we would like to clarify a few things about this volume.

Although the comic is fully available on Jenny Jinya’s website, please note that the proceeds of the paper version are donated to animal shelters in Germany.


  • KeiLeela

    Classe '90. Nella vita mi occupo di codice e grafica, nel tempo libero navigo verso mondi fantastici. Fondatrice del portale Vampire's Tears, tratto di argomenti legati all'horror e al fantastico. Indago su miti e leggende e misteri esoterici.

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