Author: Roxanne Caracciolo


  • Roxanne Caracciolo

    Affascinata dal lato oscuro che c'è in ogni persona, mi piace approfondire misteri e leggende. Ho studiato negli anni, tutto ciò che riguarda il vampirismo, a livello letterario, storico e reale. Quando non sono al lavoro o in palestra, sono immersa nella lettura, i miei autori preferiti sono Poe, Lovecraft, Wilde e tra i contemporanei King ed Anne Rice.

Interview with Peter Vronsky,expert on international espionage and forensic history

Peter Vronsky was born in 1956 in Toronto, Canada. As independent historian and documentary filmmaker, he is a producer of investigative-themed television progr... Read more.
Culture, Featured, Interviews, They kill, We write – True Crime

Dissertations on “The Vampire Chronicles”

It’s not just rumours, it’s a certainty! The first season of the tv series based upon “The Vampire Chronicles” by Anne Rice, made up of ... Read more.
Anne Rice, Book, Crimson Kiss - Vampires Story, Dissertations on “The Vampire Chronicles”