Hey, ghouls! Lucy tries to get back into dating
Hey, ghouls! Lucy tries to get back into dating
Hey, ghouls! Lucy talks to Frankie about the breakup
Hey, ghouls! Lucy's love life takes a hit, but luckly she has her friends
Hey, ghouls! Lily is the most beloved toy among adults and children!
Hey, ghouls! Why are aliens so obsessed with Earth?
Hey, ghouls! Would you make a deal with the devil?
Hey, ghouls! Choosing the right clothes is not easy in this crazy weather
Hey, ghouls! A wizard is fighting an evil god
Hey, ghouls! Becca tries to find out what the future holds
Hey, ghouls! This week we try to get into the Labyrinth, a very exclusive nightclub
Hey, ghouls! The sabbath is the night when the witches meet, if they are free!
Hey, ghouls! Which challenges will the future archaeologists have to face?
Hey, ghouls! Even ghouls have to deal with new generations
Hey, ghouls! Becca is looking for a place to rent, will she find it?
Hey, ghouls! Becca finds a new job as a waitress
Hey, ghouls! Bubbles welcomes a new recruit to hell, what punishment will she choose for him?
Hey, ghouls! A little ghost tries to use their old phone
Hey, ghouls! It's not easy being the son of a famous demon
Hey, ghouls! This week we visit the magic shop
Hey, ghouls! What's your favorite movie in the Knife Gun Killer franchise?
Hey, ghouls! Ever wondered what museums will be like in the future? Let's take a look!
Hey, ghouls! Summer can be hard for a ghoul, luckly there is a helpful guide with a lot of summer activities for us
Hey, ghouls! Have you been contacted by aliens recently?
Hey, ghouls! Fae and her alien girlfriend have a romantic date at a very esclusive place
Hey ghouls! Lucy and Becca go shopping
Hey, ghouls! There are many different kinds of clowns
Hey, ghouls! This week we explore the lost civilization of Atltantis
Hey, ghouls! Lidia Evil is on the news to comment on the reportage that exposed her eco-crimes
Hey, ghouls! A clown is having a hard time finding a job, so Lucy decides to help
Hey, ghouls! A little goblin asks a magic mirror about her beauty