Mother Earth’s Garden

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger exhibition in Turin from Oct. 5, 2024, to Feb. 16, 2025

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger, is the the first and only major exhibition planned in Italy dedicated to Hans Ruedi Giger, who was one of the most visionary artists of the Second 20th century. Introduced by Navigare s.r.l, in co-production with Glocal Project and ONO arte,...

Interview with Peter Vronsky,expert on international espionage and forensic history

Peter Vronsky was born in 1956 in Toronto, Canada. As independent historian and documentary filmmaker, he is a producer of investigative-themed television programs in Canada, the United States and Europe. During his career he has gone undercover in sects such as the...

The vampire lovers pt.2

Hey, ghouls! Sam and Becca discuss everyone's favourite vampire novel

The vampire lover

Hey, ghouls! Lucy learns about a new novel

Birthday present

Hey, ghouls! The goblins engage in a human birthday tradition


Hey, ghouls! Lucy tries to get back into dating


Hey, ghouls! Lucy talks to Frankie about the breakup
Magical herbs and plants: autumn herbal teas

Magical herbs and plants: autumn herbal teas

In November, autumn envelops everything in its icy coils. The air gets colder, the first mists creep in to obscure the city and the need for a nice hot herbal tea in the mid-afternoon becomes almost an obligation. The concoction that is good for us Preparing herbal tea is one of the simplest culinary acts: a little water brought to the boil, a sachet full of dried leaves, and perhaps in addition a teaspoon of sweet honey. And what better season to pamper yourself with a herbal tea than autumn?...

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Magical herbs and plants: the wonder of autumn

Magical herbs and plants: the wonder of autumn

The first leaves fall. The light rain fills the air with the fresh smell of damp grass. Gray clouds keep the sun's rays away. The cold advances slowly, one degree at a time. This is part of the wonder of autumn, a season that heralds the end, which becomes the bearer of change. Autumn enchantment If September is the month of new beginnings, October brings with it all the enchantment of autumn. The woods become quieter, the heavy rain fills the air with mist, and the leaves change color....

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Energy herbs and plants: from kombu seaweed to guaranà

Energy herbs and plants: from kombu seaweed to guaranà

With the return of September, summer fades away. The usual daily routine returns and melancholy sets in for those holidays that lasted too short. Returning to the rhythm can be tiring and easily consume all our spiritual energy. In this article, we will discover some herbs and plants capable of giving us a hand in this passing month, to restore all our energies. The energy cycle The efforts that we manage to instill every day in our work, our daily errands, and our passions are made up of a...

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Magical herbs and plants: sit under a tree in summer

Magical herbs and plants: sit under a tree in summer

Summer is a very special time of year. Our energy drops and our level of attention vanishes while our thoughts chase a lonely cloud in the very blue sky. It's a time for lightness, which is why sitting under a tree in summer can help us rediscover the right vigor that the scorching heat of these months causes us to consume. Allies against summer exhaustion The origin of the word summer can be traced back to the Latin root aestas, which derives from the Indo-European root aies, which means to...

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The main Ayurvedic herbs: from Andrographis to Trikatu

The main Ayurvedic herbs: from Andrographis to Trikatu

Nature offers many ways to heal ourselves, and just as many ways to help you stay healthy. One of these ways is through the main Ayurvedic herbs. Thanks to their principles, we can try to keep the body in harmony to counteract any diseases. Ayurvedic medicine: the basics Ayurvedic medicine comprises a set of therapeutic measures that aim to re-establish or maintain balance and harmony between the elements and forces in one's body. The main source of well-being for our body arises from this...

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The best herbs for smudge: from laurel to yerba santa

The best herbs for smudge: from laurel to yerba santa

As I underlined in the previous article (The best herbs for smudge: from mugwort to white sage), smudge is one of the most important ways to purify an environment and ward off negative energies. Today we will therefore talk about other precious herbs suitable for this energetic cleansing practice. Cultivate the art of smudge Smudge sticks are natural incense created from dried leaves and flowers. But smudge isn't just a tangle of random herbs. Creating the right smudge for the right type of...

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Poisonous herbs and plants: from snowdrop to lily of the valley

Poisonous herbs and plants: from snowdrop to lily of the valley

In the world, there is a truly significant quantity of plants that are poisonous and toxic to humans. Nature constantly tests us and always protects itself. We must learn to know her and have enough trust to put ourselves in her green hands. With this new article, we will discover new poisonous plants so that we know how to avoid them carefully. Botany for beginners (like me) As we specified in the previous article (Poisonous herbs and plants: from aconite to yew), the botanist studies plant...

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The best herbs for smudge: from laurel to yerba santa

The best herbs for smudge: from mugwort to white sage

Smudge is one of the most important ways to purify an environment, make a home safe, and ward off negative energies. In this new article, we will try to discover some of the most used herbs to create an effective smudge stick. What is a smudge? Smudge sticks are natural incense created using dried leaves and flowers assembled. Indigenous peoples and shamans use the smudge stick for purification rituals of environments, objects, or people. Smudging is therefore a real healing and purification...

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Poisonous herbs and plants: from aconite to yew

Poisonous herbs and plants: from aconite to yew

Magical plants, relaxing plants, calming plants, plants for winter. We talked about all these types of herbs in previous articles, and what about poisonous plants? What are those plants and herbs to which we must pay particular attention to avoid intoxication? Or perhaps even in our untimely end? In this new article, we will explore some of those plants that should not be ingested, drunk, and sometimes not even touched. Botany for beginners (like me) By definition, botany is that branch of the...

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Calming herbs and plants: from ashwagandha to rhodiola

Calming herbs and plants: from ashwagandha to rhodiola

Often to find the right inner balance we need the help of calming plants and herbs. The greatest support comes from Nature so we do not get lost in the frenetic folds of our daily lives. Now take a few moments for yourself, sit back, sip some light tea, and get ready to read this new article. Floriculture The word floriculture defines the art of growing flowers or plants for pleasure, ornamentation, or commerce. The shape of flowers, their bright colors, the beauty of the petals, and the scent...

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Calming herbs and plants: from ashwagandha to rhodiola

Magical herbs and plants: winter enchantment

The winter holiday season can bring its fair share of agitation and melancholy. Finding the right gift, attending family dinners, going around the shops: it may not seem like it, but all these events can be a source of stress, in a period in which we would just stay warm and find inner serenity. In this new article, I will recommend some plants to live the winter more peacefully. Plants for the winter Winter is a suggestive season. Most of the trees lose their leaves, the outline branches rise...

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Calming herbs and plants: from hawthorn to linden

Calming herbs and plants: from hawthorn to linden

The world is full of plants that help us deal with the most stressful moments in life. In this new article, we talk once again about plants and herbs capable of relaxing the nerves. Once again we emphasize their traditional uses, their mystical powers, and medicinal use. Phytotherapy How man, over time, has chosen to use herbs and plants is manifold. We cook them and prepare pills, infusions, and liqueurs. We chop them up and create powders and medicinal oils. Phytotherapy is one of the many...

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Calming herbs and plants: from lavender to hypericum

Calming herbs and plants: from lavender to hypericum

The search and discovery of magical herbs and plants continue. Properties, traditional uses, and use in popular medicine of what Nature gives us; an appointment with the most effective calming plants as protagonists. Herbal medicine Herbal medicine is the science that deals with the collection of spontaneous or cultivated plants, as well as with the preparation and trade of the respective extracts used in medicine, liqueur, perfumery, and confectionery industries. As we have already said in...

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Magical herbs and plants: from willow to vervain

Magical herbs and plants: from willow to vervain

Herbs and healing plants are part of our daily life. Think of all the varieties of tea that we can make from it or the various extracts with which it is possible to create creams and ointments. In this third appointment, we continue our exploration of the mystical properties of herbs and plants, and their uses in popular tradition. The role of the apothecary A figure that has gradually developed in conjunction with the witch is that of the apothecary. In his shop, he dealt with the preparation...

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Energy herbs and plants: from kombu seaweed to guaranà

Magical herbs and plants: from mandrake to rue

In the previous article (Magical herbs and plants: from fir to heather) I laid the first foundations of the magical and mysterious world of healing plants and herbs, which have always played a fundamental role in human development and innovation. Over time, the medicinal use of plants has often been confused with witchcraft, counted among all those supernatural arts that required a good dose of superstition and fear. In this new article, we will continue to explore the significance of some...

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Magical herbs and plants: from fir to heather

Magical herbs and plants: from fir to heather

In the course of human growth, plants have always played a very important role. Poisonous or curative, dear friends or fearsome, they have accompanied man in his self-discovery, like faithful allies. Tradition says that some plants and flowers are more special than others due to their magical properties. In today's article, we will discover some of these plants, their properties, and their possible mystical use. In traditions It is impossible to know for sure how long plants have been part of...

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