Sep 8, 2020 | 0 comments

Le Rendez-Vous des Arts betweem cinema, arts, and love for the environment

Sep 8, 2020 | Movie | 0 comments

Le Rendez-Vous des Arts is an animation project from an idea by Walter Rastelli, a young photographer and director from the area surrounding Naples. In his small work, a short movie just a few minutes long, Rastelli tries to realise an ambitious project dedicated to Art in all its shapes.

After a long period of planning and creation, the short is ready to launch its crowdfunding campaign to finally be able to start working on the actual movie.

Le Rendez-Vous des Arts – Synopsis

In the middle of a forest during a warm autumnal season, the seven arts meet. Painting, Literature, Sculpture, Architecture, Music and Dance meet in a secret place, shrouded in magic, beyond the world we know and inhabit. They’re joined by Photography, the last of the seven arts. One the foreground of an idyllic setting, something unexpected is about to come into existence.

A small artwork with big meanings

Le Rendez-Vous des Arts is certainly a young project, but at the same time highly innovative.

When the idea popped up in 2013, the project was initially perceived as a stop-motion work but after Rastelli’s study of 3D animation, it underwent a complete evolution. 3D became the perfect medium to represent the principles, the values, and the innovations that are the basis for the concept of the project itself. The advancement of the technologies in animation is a way to represent how art in and of itself is constantly transforming. The only limit is human imagination and man’s ability to combine the biggest artistic techniques of the past with the innovation of the future.

An international crew

Working together with Walter Rastelli on such a wide and significant project by the deepest meanings is a crew from all around the world working in collaboration and symbiosis. The artists who have taken part in the project, and who are still working on its development, come from every corner of the earth and are offering their talents towards an objective that has made them one big community.

Each of them with their own culture, their own experiences, the members of the crew of Le Rendez-Vous des Arts bring to the table pieces of themselves, rendering the project an example of cultural integration and new friendships. Each member of the group can at the same time learn something new from and teach to all the others. Even during this long period of lockdown that has forced most of us apart, we managed to find out some way or another how close we can actually be. And even though we speak different languages and live in different countries, we all resemble each other.

The Crowdfunding Campaign

Nevertheless, to be able to realise his project and bring the short into existence, Le Rendez-Vous des Arts needs your help too. By launching a crowdfunding campaign, Le Rendez-Vous des Arts hopes to raise the necessary funds for the project and the work done so far to be completed.

Posters, T-shirts, cups and mugs are only a few of the rewards that those who are interested in supporting the project can get. A small gift that we hope you will be able to appreciate and that wants to show the gratitude of the entire crew for those that will decide to lend a hand. The rewards are many and varied so as to accommodate the needs of anybody who might want to do their part.

The campaign is set to launch over the next few days but, in the meantime, those interested can subscribe for a preview and be notified when the campaign itself starts, as well as receive a 20% discount to buy the digital downloads.

Becoming one of the lucky ones is easy, you just need to write down your e-mail address in the form at this link.

Le Rendez-Vous des Arts for the environment: the Stand For Trees project

In addition, the Rendez-Vous des Arts is that it’s intrinsically linked to the effort to protect the life and preserve the beauty of the world we live in. Using its pastoral setting as a pretext, it encourages us to talk about how essential it is to take care of the planet we inhabit.

The contemporary world is dealing with huge environmental issues and that’s why we must remember that even the smallest of gestures can make a difference. That’s why Le Rendez-Vous des Arts will donate 20% of the proceeds of the campaign to Stand For Trees, a project to plant new trees to fight pollution and lessen the impact our actions have on the planet by rebuilding the forests of the world.


  • KeiLeela

    Classe '90. Nella vita mi occupo di codice e grafica, nel tempo libero navigo verso mondi fantastici. Fondatrice del portale Vampire's Tears, tratto di argomenti legati all'horror e al fantastico. Indago su miti e leggende e misteri esoterici.

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  • torninchiara

    1993, bi. Divisa tra il disegno e la scrittura. Troppe idee per non sprecarne. Traduttrice amatoriale.

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